Daily Dose of Reality for Republicans
Dear Republicans, obstructionists, GOPasaurs, or whatever you are called,It is my duty, as an America citizen, to inform you of some basic facts thats you may not be aware of. Now, I realize this may...
View ArticleOMG!! How Did That Road Get There!?
The most amazing thing happened today which was followed up by the most enlightening conversation. I was on my way to work today and I noticed something. I was driving on a road!! A paved one too!!
View ArticleMy First Political Video: Steele's Empathy
I just created my first youtube video having to do with Michael Steele's empathy comments from earlier today. I try to show how out of touch he and the Republicans are with ordinary Americans.
View ArticleA Tale of Two Parties
Here's a video I made last night. The contrast between what Obama wants to talk about and what the Republicans want to discuss cannoot be more opposite. Decide for yourself who discusses what the...
View ArticlePetition To RNC Members To Avoid Being "Socialist"
I recently read an article at Politico entitled GOP, RNC to rebrand Democrats as 'Socialists'.I decided to start an online petition in order for the Republicans who vote for this resolution to take the...
View ArticleHey, Let's Talk and Stop the One Word Debates
This is to all the Republicans that believe that their only way to respond to the democrats are to call them names. I believe we need to sit down and have a real discussion on the topics that we differ...
View ArticleWould Lincoln Get The GOP Nomination Today?
Over the last few months, even years, I have had to listen to many Republicans saying that they belong to the Party of Lincoln, taking great pride in the fact that Abraham Lincoln was a Republican....
View ArticleHey WingerDingers!? Meet Thomas Pappas.
We all have heard the wingnuts go after Sonia Sotomayor during the last few weeks, dating back before she was even nominated for the SCOTUS. We have all heard the charges...racist, she speaks illegal...
View ArticleFaux's Attempt to Incite Extremism and Violence
Yup, that's the diary's title and I stand by it.I know similar things have been diaried already about Faux News trying to act like a news organization. However, today, they stopped trying or even...
View ArticleLearning Lessons From My Son
My son was born July 18, 2006 and turns 3 in a few months. Since the day he was born, he innocently and unintentially gives me lessons and reminders on how I need to live my life. From showing...
View ArticleNewt Uses Word "Racialist"; So Did Von Brunn & His Supporters
For the last 10 years or so, we have become accustomed to Republican revisionism of history, their new definitions of words, making up of new words. The by using those skills, they backtrack their own...
View ArticleGOP's Catch-22 on Iran and Obama
One thing that I learned fairly quickly the election of 2008 is that the Republicans and GOP have mastered the art of the Catch-22. Don't get me wrong, Obama hasn't done too bad in doing the same...
View ArticleIran In The Midst of Many Sub-Revolutions
We have seen the images online and on television. 500,000 Iranians marching in unison towards one goal, for their voices to be heard and for change in their country. However, as easy as it may appear...
View ArticleStand Up!! We Are Democrats!!
I am good friends with my neighbor. We hang out, have drinks, go to Chicago Bears games together, grill out together. My wife and I trust our son with him and his wife. They trust us with their...
View ArticleOur Pregnancy Scare Today
Before I begin, I want to let you all know that everything is fine and my wife is resting. I know it's a short diary, but please read on.My wife is in her 14th week of pregnancy. Earlier today, the...
View ArticleThe Parable of the Republican
Ever think what a modern day version of the Bible would look like if the Republicans were able to rewrite it. Whether you are a believer, Jesus commanded us to take care of the poor. He never said...
View ArticleMy "Gang of Six" Web Ad Idea w/ Poll
So I am not really technically savy and I made previous attempts to make web ads but they didnt turn out too well. However, I got an idea for an ad on the "gang of six" that are trying to hijack the...
View ArticlePresident Lincoln Would Hold Repubs & Fox Responsible
In 1863, President Lincoln defended his decision to banish former Ohio congressman Clement Vallandigham to the South after he was arrested and tried for inciting a crowd to a frenzy, denouncing the...
View ArticleNPR's Steve Inskeep Destroys Michael Steele
I know people have complained about NPR at times and that sometimes it appears that do not have a backbone. However, I listened to Steve Inskeep interviewing Michael Steele and I was so excited that I...
View ArticleDear Mr. President, Please Do What Others Won't On The 9th
Let me give you a multiple choice quiz. There's only two choices. When given the opportunity to report news, which new will the mainstream media cover. Obama and the Democrats discussions on healthcare...
View ArticleWhy The President Needs To Talk to The School Children
I am a mental health therapist in Indiana, working woth children and teenagers. The youngest child I work with is 4 years old and the oldest is 18. I have over 35 children on my caseload, meeting most...
View ArticleText of Teddy's Letter. RIP Lion
Here is Ted Kennedy's Letter to President Obama.I know it's not really a diary, but sometimes comments do not do justice to brilliance. Please let's use this letter as inspiration for ourselves and our...
View ArticleIndiana Rep Laughs At "What Would Jesus Do" Question
I am from Indiana so I have become quite familiar with Rep. Mike Pence. You may have heard of him for the first time after seeing him on Countdown as the World's Worst Person as he thank a woman for...
View ArticleMy Trip To Canada and My Conversations
I went to Toronto, Canada this weekenf for a cousin's wedding and wanted to let you know about the conversations I had with relatives, both liberal and conservative. At first, while entering Canada, I...
View ArticleFox Opinions Proves Anita Dunn's Point
Ok, so, for some reason, my fingers started typing in foxnews.com. They just went crazy, I don't know what happened. Anyways, one of the healdines from yesterday AND today was, Obama Aide: 'We...
View ArticleSarah Palin To Be GOP's Nader in 2012
I'm sure most of us have heard about Sarah Palin's backing of the Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in NY-23 instead of the GOP backed candidate. This is only the beginning of Sarah Palin's...
View ArticleRepugs Just Don't Get It. Mock/Blast Elie Wiesel
At Politico, Ben Smith blogged the Elie Wiesel Foundations response to the holocaust signs at the hate gathering yesterday. Elie Wiesel commented:This kind of political hatred is indecent and...
View ArticleCall Rep. Steve King and Ask Him If He'd Pay For Your ER Visit
During the debate yesterday on the House floor, Rep. Steve King stated that "all Americans have healthcare. Every single one". Of course he means that if they need to be seen in the ER of a hospital in...
View Article"War of Necessity" in 2004 and 2008, but not 2009?
I am a life long democrat and am very proud if it. I was a township coordinator in Indiana, a state that went blue in 2008 for the first time in 1964 and for that momentous occassion, I am very proud...
View Article11%
Dear (add any Blue Dog Dem or Republican here),I am writing in order to inform you of a number that was brought to my attention last night: 11%.
View ArticleFox News Distorts History Again
Fox News is getting really good at this. They are becoming experts at inserting nontruths in their articles taht may be difficult to pick up on, but have one goal. To distort the facts and history.I do...
View ArticleWhile My Candle Is Lit For Haiti, Fox News Politicizes
The moment I heard of the devastating earthqauke in Haiti, my wife and I lit a candle, which is still burning. However, I was appalled (as I always am) at the forum at Fox News which is entitled "How...
View ArticleLOL Bikini Wearing Repub Beauty Queen Quotes Leviticus
Is the title far fetched? Maybe. But let's not only look at one aspect of a quote I am going to share. On Faux News, there is an article entitled Miss Beverly Hills Lauren Ashley Opposes Same Sex...
View ArticleGOP Rep Yells "Baby Killer" at Stupak (updated)
Short diary. Luke Russert just reporting it. It is being reported that a GOP Congressman yelled "Baby Killer" at Stupak. No civility at all. We need to out this congressman.
View ArticleSarkozy Calls Out HCR Opponents
Remember when French President Nicolas Sarkozy was the talk of the rightwing? Remember when they would praise him for mocking President Obama? When they were writing all over their blogs that Sarkozy...
View ArticleLet's Educate. Let's Send 1000+ Letters to Newspapers
With the passage of health care reform, we now need to focus on not selling it, but rather, educating people. We have heard the dishonesty and misinformation regarding the new law, such as "It's free...
View ArticleTerrorists and Murderers are now "activists"
Yes, I do read foxnews and drudgereport at times in order to see what they're writing about, which tends to result in me shaking my head in disbelief. However, today's headline really is taking it to a...
View ArticleLeaked: Anti-Tax Day "To Do" List
Unidentified sources of the tax day protests recently stated that organizers advised protesters to organize their days so that they may be able to arrive on time and be involved in the activities of...
View ArticleRasmussen: Obama at 51% Approval in Florida
It appears that a lot of things may be falling in place for the Democrats in Florida.
View ArticleMy Earth Day Letter To The Editor
I currently live in the Indianapolis area and there was an editorial in the Indianapolis Star entitled "Coming To Your Curb Soon?".The article discussed how Indianapolis consistently ranks as one of...
View ArticleCBO: Stimulus Put Up To 2.8M To Work So Far in 2010
Here's something you won't see on Fox News I'm sure. The CBO reported today that the stimulus package has put up to 2.8 million people to work in the first quarter of the 2010 calender year.
View ArticleIsrael and Flotilla: Logic Anyone?
I woke up today with news that Israel will be expelling the Flotilla activists to their countries of origin. Not to use logic or rational thinking, but doesn't that appear odd.
View ArticleChris Matthews Gives Smackdown to Rep. Gingrey (R)
Just got done watchin a segment on MSNBC Hardball and Chris Matthews just put a smackdown on Republican Representative Phil Gingrey from Georgia. Call it a smackdown, stump, or whatever you want, but...
View ArticleGay Marriage: The Day After
I just wanted to write a quick diary about what the day after would look like if gays and lebians are given the right to get married. I know some of the things may seem a bit extreme to some, but...
View ArticleObama Hasn't Done Anything For The Economy?
Got into a wonderful discussion with a Conservative co-worker just now, and by "wonderful" I mean providing him basic, factual information that extinguished his little talking points about Obama and...
View ArticleWhy does the GOP hate Barney and Clifford?
That question is the only one to ask when the GOP is threatening to cut funding from NPR. As most of us know, as I believe we tend to not be ignorant like some others, parts of NPR is not funded...
View ArticleDADT: Yesterday and Today
First, I'll start with my favorite quote from Robert F Kennedy:We must recognize the full human equality of all our people - before God, before the law, and in the councils of government. We must do...
View ArticleOh No! Sharia Law Coming To Indiana!
Just in case any of you were wondering, this is NOT snark. This really happened this morning.Recently, Indiana State Representative Bruce Borders stated he intends to introduce a bill to the State...
View Article"Unfortunately, it is not."
"Unfortunately, it is not." These words were spoken by Scott Kelly, Space station commander, and brother-in-law of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
View ArticleHardball: Freshman Republican Destroyed On HCR Repeal
This is what the Democrats need to do!! If you haven't seen it, freshman Republican Rep. Rob Woodall (GA)was asked many factual questions from Chris Matthews and Rep. Robert Andrews (D-NJ). What...
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